
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

上班愉快_Just for fun


Monday, July 18, 2011


週四, 2005-02-17 22:43



原載於 1999.04.14 19版民眾副刊

原作:Shawn Cantrell World Rivers Review 1997 八月


  在1997年秋天,地球之友(Friends of the Earth)發表一個記錄了美國幾百個水壩拆除案的新報告,這報告包括了美國每一州的情況,同時還有幾個已完成拆除的詳細個案。它也討論了幾個有關的爭議,那就是怎樣決定水壩應否拆除。這報告為制定水利政策者或關心這議題的市民,提供了許多有價值的關於水壩拆除的經驗,作為他們日後考慮是否拆除他們自己社區水壩時參考。


点击:58 回复:1
作者:意识风 发表日期:2011-6-4 22:03:00


Friday, July 15, 2011

About the lost opportunities

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future.”
----Jeremiah 29:11

When I look back over my life, I can see where I’ve missed out on some God-given opportunities. Maybe you could say the same thing. If so, I want to encourage you: Don’t live in regret. Don’t let lost opportunities make you feel disappointed and discouraged. Know that God is bigger than your lost opportunities and He can still get you to where you need to be in life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

米迦勒 ‧ 塞爾維特紀念碑

约翰•加尔文 (百度百科)





教会史话 (吕沛渊著)

"On the 27 October, 1553, died at the stake in Champel, Michael Servetus of Villeneuve of Aragon, born on the 29 of September, 1511"

"Duteous and grateful followers of Calvin our great Reformer, yet condemning an error which was that of his age, and strongly attached to liberty of conscience according to the true principles of his Reformation and the Gospel, we have erected this expiratory monument. Oct. 27, 1903"


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thinking from Hunting monkeys

Have you ever heard how hunters used to trap monkeys? The hunters would fill a lage barrel with bananas and then cut a small hole in the side of it, just barely big enough for the monkey to get his hand and arm through. The monkey, completely unaware of the trap, would reach his arm into the barrel and grab one of those bananas. But when he tried to pull his arm out, he couldn't get his clenched fist and the banana back out of the hole. The monkey wanted that banana so badly that he wouldn't release it. Consequently, the hunters would easily capture the monkey. It's interesting that at any point prior to the capture, the monkey could have simply let go of the banana and pulled his hand out of the barrel, but he was so focused on what he wanted that he didn't even realized he was in a trap!
Many people live like that today-with both hands clenched, so focused on tring to hold on to what they have that they don't realized it is robbing them of the freedom and victory God has in store.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


一个石油公司职员来到天堂门口, 天使对他说: “你有资格住进来, 但为石油员工保留的房间已经住满了, 没办法让你进来.” 这位职员想了一下后,请求对天堂里的居住者说句话. 天使同意了他的请求,于是这位职员扯开嗓门喊到: “地狱里发现石油了!” 天堂的门很快打开了, 里面的石油公司职员蜂拥而出.天使非常吃惊, 请这位职员进入天堂并要他好好照顾自己, 但这位职员却迟疑了, 说道: “不, 我认为我应该跟着那些人, 这个谣言里可能会有一些真实的东西.”