
Friday, January 8, 2016

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Reboot Randomly: How To Fix This Issue


Some iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users reported to have encountered an unknown issue that forced their device to reboot randomly. The sudden rebooting of iPhone can be really frustrating especially if it occurs quite frequently. You are in the thick of intense conversation with your friend and all of a sudden you see your phone being switched off, wouldn’t you feel like getting on top of your patience? Of course, you would. Here are some possible solutions to this issue that may resolve it with immediate effect. Let’s find out!
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Reboots Randomly


Why coffee drinking reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes

咖啡能预防糖尿病,喝咖啡之所以能够预防糖尿病,主要是因为咖啡中含有丰富的抗氧化物质---氯原酸。氯原酸是一种有机酸,可以通过抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶,减少肠道对糖的吸收;通过促进葡萄糖的转运和氧化,加强葡萄糖在体内的代谢,控制血糖浓度,预防高血糖。同时,氯原酸还有利于保护血管内皮,预防动脉粥样硬化和心血管疾病。 无锡治疗糖尿病的专家表示:肥胖者可喝黑咖啡对于增加氯原酸的摄入,可选择喝咖啡,特别是低咖啡因咖啡,每天2-3杯。对于糖尿病和肥胖患者,建议饮用黑咖啡,勿要加入咖啡伴侣和蔗糖。如喜好甜味,可选择巴尔糖、阿斯巴甜等来替代白砂糖。对咖啡因较为敏感的人群,应注意选择低咖啡因的咖啡。从未尝试过饮用咖啡的人,切勿突然大量饮用咖啡,尝试时每次饮用勿超过2克(冲饮100-150ml),等适应后,再适量增加饮用量。 茶和全谷类食物中也含有氯原酸氯原酸广泛分布于咖啡、茶、全谷类食物,以及苹果、山楂、葡萄、梨、桔子、乌梅、朝鲜蓟、茄子等蔬菜水果中。其中咖啡中含量最高,全谷类、柑桔类水果及其果汁中含量也较高。习惯喝咖啡的人每日氯原酸的摄入量为0.5-1g,其他人不足100mg。 另外,氯原酸也广泛存在于植物药中,例如金银花作为中药的主要有效成分就是氯原酸,杜仲、栀子、茵陈、淫羊霍等也含有氯原酸。