
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Car lost control experience

Yesterday evening, there was a snow storm, when I drove to the church, the snow was not so hard. I left my car in the parking, then went to service. There was a special speaker yesterday. He is Pastor Jamie Taylor, Hudson Taylor’s 5th generation. His whole family devote to mission in China. I was eager to hear his speech for a long time.

I have less chance to drive to 39 Ave.SW. There was a slope between railway and stop sign. It was almost 10:00 after the special service. The parking lot is just beside this short road.

I drove off the parking lot, the turn on the road. Everything looks like fine. So, I though I will be ok. But the traffic light is turn on red, and several cars are lined up in front of me. I have to stop my car. Now the problem is coming because I am stopping on the big slope in the snow day.

When the traffic light changed into green, I slowly push the pedal, but the car still turn to right. It doesn’t move straight. The lucky thing is there was not other car beside, and I move slowly, nobody got hurt.

Finally, someone went out of car, guide other cars went through. I got chance to reverse, and then turn my car down the slope, got out of the situation.

Thanks, God.

The lesson what I learned:

  1. Use snow tire in winter, never take the chance. (This is the rental car; my car was sold three weeks ago.)
  2. Buy a 4 wheels drive car.
  3. Take train instead of driving in the snow day.
  4. Stay at home when there is a snow storm.
In Calgary

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